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Equine Sports Massage Therapy

Equine Sports Massage is a type of massage therapy that concentrates on enhancing the performance of horses in sports by increasing their range of motion and reducing muscular restrictions. This helps to prevent injuries caused by repetitive stress, which is common in horse athletes. Similar to human athletes, horses can benefit from regular maintenance bodywork and recovery treatments.



Equine Sports Massage Therapy is the therapeutic application of hands-on deep tissue techniques to the voluntary muscle system - for the purpose of increasing circulation, reducing muscle spasms, relieving tension, enhancing muscle tone, promoting healing and increasing range of motion in all breeds of horses.

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By manipulating the soft tissues and muscles, massage can enhance mobility, flexibility, and promote healing. In the equine community, massage therapy is widely used to aid in the recovery of injured horses or to maintain their overall health. Regardless of whether your horse is a pet or a high-performance athlete, regular massage therapy can provide significant benefits to their wellbeing.


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